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Christmas Sponsorships

With the wonderful support of community sponsors, the Care Cottage was able to provide Christmas Presents, stockings, and Christmas Eve Boxs to 65 kids in 24 families. The Care Cottage could not do this without support from people like you in our community.

Halloween Trunk-or-Treat

Steve Tacket Award:
Organization Award:
Elgin Foundation
Anne Gilbert Award:
Individual Award:
Dr. Robin Whitaker

2nd Annual
Barrels of Care


Flooding Memorial

Resource Fair

Care Cottage Executive Director,
Pamela Carey
Named Kentucky Colonel

Perry County
Family Fun Day

PTSD Awareness
with the
Paul E Patton
Eastern KY
Veterans Center

Therapist Par-tea

MCHC Mental Health
Awareness Fair

Knott County Family Fun Day

Care Cottage hosts 8th annual Open House
Care Cottage participates in Save-A-Lot's
29th Annual Race Day

2nd Annual Child Abuse Awareness & Prevention Kickoff Event

Legendary Partner
The Children's Advocacy Centers of Kentucky - CAC Kentucky Legendary Partner event on Monday honored a Legendary Partner from each CAC region. Care Cottage Board President, Tony Eversole was the recipient for our region. He truly is a super hero and received a cape to prove it!!!

Christmas Sponsorships
This Christmas season, the Care Cottage with help from the Community and donations served 83 kids in 34 families in the Kentucky River Region with Christmas presents and Christmas Eve Boxes.

A Charlie Brown Christmas

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