Community Education
​​​Darkness to Light
KRCAC now offers FREE Stewards of Children training throughout Eastern Kentucky River Regions. Darkness to Light’s national prevention program is proven to increase knowledge, improve attitudes and change child-protective behaviors.
Stewards of Children is designed for any responsible adult who cares about the protection of children. It is perfect for individuals and organizations looking to train staff and volunteers in the prevention of child sexual abuse and enhance their child protection policies and procedures.
This 2.5 hour training is provided at no cost for individuals or organizations. For more information, please contact Victoria Halcomb at (606) 487-9173.

The PANTS campaign along with the mascot Pantosaurus is designed to teach young children how to stay safe from sexual abuse, without giving explicit information or telling scary stories or even using the
term “sexual abuse”.
In the lesson, children will learn about ‘PANTS’, which stands for:
• Privates are private.
• Always remember your body belongs to you.
• No means no
• Talk about secrets that upset you
• Speak up, someone can help.
Pantosaurus, the mascot of the PANTS Curriculum, is a two-minute video designed to talk to children about sexual abuse in a fun and creative way. The film enlists the help of animated dinosaurs to explain to children how to stay safe from abuse.
Victoria Halcomb, our victim’s advocate will teach a 60 – 90 minute lesson enlisting the help of our very own dancing Pantosaurus. Children will interact with the lesson plan and each child will receive a small reminder gift of what they have learned. Information for parents will also be sent home with each child to continue the talk of PANTS.
The PANTS campaign tackles a potentially dark and difficult subject for young audiences.
Sexual Abuse isn’t an easy subject to address because it might open doors to something the children have never considered or may have been dealing with in their own lives. However it is crucial to address these topics in the interest of keeping children safe.